Monday 28 April 2014

Punctuations and God!

English has been the major language of instruction throughout my entire education. Here though, I want to talk about one of my favourite aspects of the subject - "PUNCTUATIONS"! 

I know many people who did not enjoy their punctuations and many more who were particularly confused as to when to use their commas and colons. Today however, I explore the subject in a whole new way. I have come to the bright realization that punctuations have everything to do with God! 

Let me explain! (Clearing my throat)

The full stop! It is God's mark of finality on every matter. He's the alpha and OMEGAthe beginning, the END. He's that check in your spirit that registers peace and stillness when life throws you overboard to the rough ocean waves. He says "Peace, Be STILL and know that I am GOD" and everything else pales in comparison to the finality of His authority! 

The comma is not a very pleasant vocabulary choice with God as it involves waiting, a pause which our usually impatient human spirit loathes. However God is not slack concerning His promises as some count it and finally give up or bend. God's 'wait' is a time to renew our strength and to let patience complete her works in us so that we may be perfect and complete, lacking NOTHING. God's comma is in essence, His penchant for the development of character wholeness.

I see the exclamation mark and immediately my mind gets giddy with excitement as my eyes pop wide open at the imagination of all the beautiful things I want to happen in my lifetime! I'm further blown away at the thought that God's ways are higher than mine and likewise His thoughts towards me and so it ties in perfectly that He can do EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY, ABOVE, all that I could ever ask or think! Now that's WOW!!!

And then, there's the colon. It reminds me of the endless list of promises that Christ Jesus has blessed us with: prepared mansions, streets of gold, crowns, eternal life, no tears or sorrow or pain, etc. The list is all-inclusive, inexhaustible and nothing has been left out because we've been blessed with ALL spiritual blessings!

There's also the semi-colon which typifies the essence of the Father's love and His willingness to explain His message of grace through salvation at the cost of the death of His only begotten son. It's like this; we ask the Father how much He loves us and though He's already explained His message from Adam, to Noah, to Moses and the Prophets, He doesn't mind breaking things down further by sending His son to die on a tree. Now you tell me, which demonstration has better explained the message of the gospel than the fact that 'God so loved the world and so He sent His son to die'?

Which brings me to the question mark? It gets me thinking about how life challenges us every day and we draw blanks to the situations that come along in life. Yet, we still have all the answers we need through the Holy Spirit who searches the mind of God and even the deep mysteries that humans are yet to discover. With God, we are assured that there's no question in life that will beat us because like Daniel said, there is a God who reveals mysteries. No wonder John on the Isle of Patmos saw Christ, the REVELATOR!

And how can I leave out the all - important quotation marks? It makes me think of the many times the Lord speaks to us. Whether it is "Thus sayeth the Lord" or the still small voice of the Spirit, we can always respond lovingly like little Samuel, “Master speak, for thy servant heareth"!

Now go on out and enjoy your punctuation marks! Just think about God when you have to use them and your English will be a whole lot sharper or better yet sharper than the Queen's I bet! She may not be your mother but in the words of Donnie McClurkin's 'Walking in Authority, "Your Father is King of Everything!" 

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