Thursday 1 May 2014


Sun rise,
time flies.
Its all gone.
Except for you, it's when you're born.

Streams part,
distant lands in a glance,
sorrow and pain a work of art,
are all evoked in your trance.

The kindness you bring from tales of yesterday's dance,
the pain and bitterness of the unlucky chance:
you tell it tall,
you pitch its fall,
every single detail captured in your famous hall.

But without you life would be no dream.
It would be plain black coffee; no sugar nor cream.
And so to live with you we must.
Day in day out, learning to adjust.
Feeding on you when you're yesterday's sweet pie crust,
and forging ahead ignoring when you're that dreaded moment's deadly rust!

Indeed memories are but a mixed blessing;
at a point in time, a beautiful love story that you could sing,
at another, a marauding gang riding with sorrow and pain to bring.

E.B Opoku Copyright(c) 2011

This poem really was borne out of contemplations on a simple question: are memories good or bad? Everyone has memories. Unless of course you've recently suffered amnesia but God forbid that should ever happen to any of us. Some of us have very good memories which is good and bad; good when you're reliving out some good times and horrible when you remember every single detail of an event which is just bad. Countless times, I've felt like throwing out my mind just so I wouldn't remember some things and it's really frustrating when you think you've lost a bad memory and one slight trigger brings it all back like it was never gone. Well I haven't thrown out my mind and so thankfully I still have my good mind to write. I dont know if I have the right answer to this but for me it's comforting to know that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. His unchanging nature assures me that His love will always be there to cover my yesterday, to celebrate my today and change my tomorrow. And no matter what events take place in my life, there's one memory to look out for in it all; the Jesus factor and How he compliments it all!

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